Monday 4 January 2016

The Three Stooges: Current Ukrainian Leadership Has Crippled the Country

The Ukrainian 'revolution of dignity' thrust the country into the quagmire of hopelessness and corruption.

The leaders of the so-called 'revolution of dignity' which toppled the government of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych are little more than ‘political losers’ who have caused the country's collapse, according to the Austrian publication Contra Mgazin.

As the Ukrainian oligarchs continue to get richer, the country’s GDP is rapidly shrinking. Furthermore, the reforms promised by the new government have apparently failed to produce any meaningful result or improve the situation in the country, while its relations with Russia, Ukraine’s powerful neighbor and once its largest trade partner, have deteriorated considerably.

"During the Operation Maidan staged by the West, the political losers Klitschko, Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk seized control of the country," publicist Marco Maier wrote for Contra Magazin. "Yet the results of this undertaking didn’t meet the expectations of the US and its European vassals as billions of dollars and euros invested into this project were lost in the quagmire of Ukrainian corruption."

Those who want to stage a good show need seasoned actors, not "amateurs who star in the first act of the Ukrainian tragedy", Maier dryly remarks.

Source: Sputnik News 04-01-2016