Monday, 16 December 2013

Documents regarding the murder of the 3 PKK comrades in Paris

Investigation of Paris massacre points to Turkey

Antoine Comte, the lawyer representing the families of the 3 Kurdish women murdered in Paris on 9 January this year, has told ANF that there has been "great progress" made in the investigation, and that developments "pointed to Turkey". The lawyer emphasised that "there are many elements that indicate the responsibility of the Turkish state".

It is nearly a year since founder member of the PKK, Sakine Cansız (Sara), KNK Paris Representative Fidan Doğan (Rojbin) and movement member Leyla Şaylemez'in (Ronahi) were shot dead in Paris. Due to concerns of confidentiality no information is being provided regarding the inquiry, but in an interview with ANF lawyer Antoine Comte said that "there are many elements pertaining to Turkish state responsibility" for the murders.  
There are many questions awaiting answers regarding the murders in Paris of three Kurdish women on 9 January 2013. At what stage is the investigation? Has there been any real progress made?
Yes. According to French law lawyers have to comply with the principle of confidentiality during the investigation. This applies to both sides, defence and prosecution. But I have to say that there has been major progress made. The inquiry points to Turkey. This is significant.

Have the authorities finally accepted the political character of these murders?
If the investigation is pointing towards Turkey then I believe the political character will emerge. At first they said it was a crime of jealousy. No one dares say that now. They also said it was an internal settling of accounts in the PKK. No one can say that any more. The Turkey connection to the murderer, telephone conversations and technical data is known. There are many elements that point to Turkish state responsibility. I don't know whether the relationship with Turkey pertains to extreme right wing groups. He is someone who has many links to the most radical Turkish extremists. He has three crescent moons on his ring.

Regarding this case I think there are two police organisations that behave very differently. While one carries out real criminal investigations the other has the task of archiving the Kurds. But I can honestly say that serious people working on this case have abandoned the idea of this being a jealousy killing.
In that case can we say that now the investigation is oriented towards Turkey?

Yes. From now on it is to do with whether the Turks will assist us. This is an important issue. What should be done to ensure the Turks help us? It is very unusual for a state to provide information about its agents, or a person working for it. In order for the Turkish state to speak to the whole of Europe, not just to the French, the issue must become a Europe-wide one.

Why does this issue interest other European countries?
These murders took place in the Schengen area. Sakine Cansız had political asylum in Germany. Fidan came to France as a child and some members of her family are French citizens. Europe should take an interest in this case and demand answers from the Turkish authorities.

You made an application to the prosecutor for an investigation into whether Ömer Güney was being monitored by the French intelligence services. But your request was rejected on the grounds that it "has no relevance to the incident". Will this question remain unanswered?

There is movement on this question. I asked this question because it is the task of French intelligence services to know the identity of foreign agents active on their territory. Initially, they said this was irrelevant and unnecessary, but we objected and will now ask the question at the Court of Appeal. Things are changing and we have new information so perhaps it will be easier to ask the question.
What is this new information you mention?

New factors indicate Turkey. I cannot say any more. I think this is sufficiently clear.

Do you think that the burglary on 23 September at the house of the anti-terror judge Jeanne Duyé, who is dealing with this case, bears any relation to this investigation?

I am not in a position to say. Of course, whenever there is a break-in at a judge's house one thinks of intrigue, but only the police or the judge could answer this question.

Are there investigations into the Paris murders in other European countries, such as Germany and the Netherlands?

Yes. In the Netherlands, and in Germany, where Ömer Güney spent part of his youth, there is also an investigation being conducted.

Have these investigations unearthed new information?

A lot is known, but I have to remind you that I cannot speak on account of professional confidentiality. 

How long will this confidentiality last?

Until the investigation has been completed.

When do you think the investigation will be completed?

I think it will be completed within a year.

Is there any information pertaining to the participation of a second person in the murders?

At the beginning of the investigation the prosecutor said a different DNA to that of Ömer Güney had been found on a cartridge case. What should be understood from this?

There was a genetic trace on a cartridge case, but DNA does not have any specific meaning. If you touch someone your DNA will be left behind. There will be coincidental traces of DNA left on your clothes. The fact there is a second DNA does not mean a second person was involved. The trace was on a cartridge case, not the weapon, which has yet to be found. This does not mean a lot.

Has Ömer Güney not made any confession?

He is too professional to confess. This is my opinion.
Source: ANF - PARIS 15-12-2013

New information regarding Ömer Güney

Nearly a year after the murders of Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez in Paris on 9 January 2013, new information has emerged with regard to the murder suspect, Ömer Güney. This comes as investigations continue in France, Turkey and Germany.

On 15 December the Analiz programme on Sterk TV looked into the latest stage of the investigations, while in interviews with the families and with defence lawyers we have learned that new information and documents regarding Ömer Güney have come to light.

Why did Ömer Güney secretly enter the Kurdish association on 8 January?
Ömer Güney went into the Kurdish association in Paris on the night of 8-9 January 2013 between 02.00-03.00 in a clandestine manner and photographed the membership forms of  360 people. He then sent the photographs somewhere, probably to Turkey. On being asked by the investigating magistrate why he had photographed the membership forms, Ömer Güney replied: "the administrators of the association asked me to do it". But the magistrate did not find this answer at all convincing. It is reported that the investigating magistrate has not been able to access the evidence he wants regarding Ömer Güney, and that French intelligence has not been of assistance, causing the investigation to come to a halt at critical junctures.

French doctors: Ömer Güney is not ill
Family members who have examined the case file report that Ömer Güney is constantly claiming to be ill and wanting to be taken to hospital. However, doctors who have examined him agree that he is not ill. Experts and officials concerned with the case believe that Ömer Güney's tactic of feigning illness is a deliberate strategy.
French investigating magistrate is carrying out an investigation in Germany
The connections of murder suspect Ömer Güney in Germany are also attracting interest. It is reported that the investigating magistrate in Paris has been conducting an investigation in Germany for the last month, while the inquiry in Turkey is not progressing rapidly. It is said that Turkish officials are not assisting French prosecutors, while the Turkish authorities wish to have access to the entire case file.

The Paris murder case in Turkey is being carried on in secret

The lawyer representing the families of the slain in Turkey, BDP co-chair Meral Danış Beştaş, was in Paris recently, where she held meetings with French lawyers, the families and French officials. Beştaş said she was unable to access documents in Turkey on account of the investigation being carried on in secret. She called for the veil of secrecy to be lifted.
Beştaş said it was essential that information relating to the forces behind Ömer Güney and his relations with Turkey was revealed, and said she believed there was sufficient evidence available to expose the facts regarding the massacre.

The Ömer Güney file in front of Erdoğan must be revealed  

Beştaş said the Ömer Güney file in the possession of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan contained information pertaining to Ömer Güney’s relationship with Turkey. She said the information in the file was being kept secret and that she was of the opinion that the investigation being conducted in France and Turkey was not being carried out properly.
Sakine Cansız’s brother Metin Cansız, Fidan Doğan’s father Hasan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez’s brother Servet Şaylemez called on the people to take an interest in the Paris massacre case.

Source: ANF -BAKİ GÜL* - NEWS DESK 16.12.2013

Monday, 4 November 2013




Bekämpft wurde Urike Meinhof allerdings nicht nur vom deutschen Staat, sondern in aller Heftigkeit und Tragweite von der damaligen DPK / SED, also den Vorläufer Organisationen der heutigen „junge welt“ Fraktion. Diese rieten ihr damals, sich der Polizei zu stellen, den Kampf aufzugeben und beschimpften sie als „kleinbürgerliche Anarchistin, die der Konterrevolution“ diene. (Robert Steigerwald, DKP Chefideologe). – Man sollte auch dies heute nicht verschämt verschweigen !

Ulrike hätte in einer Bibliothek sitzenbleiben können und so tun, als habe sie keine Ahnung von den Ereignissen, doch sie tat es nicht. Denn sie hatte einen Traum: sie sprang aus dem Fenster und nahm den illegalen Kampf auf. Auch Gurbetelli hätte an ihrem Platz bleiben können, aber auch sie tat etwas anderes, auch sie hatte einen Traum. Sie ging in die Berge und wurde Guerilla.

Beide waren Journalistinnen, eine aus dem Westen und die andere aus dem Mittleren Osten. Beide hatten einen Traum von der Freiheit. Um diese Freiheit zu erreichen, gaben sie ihr Leben. Ulrike Meinhof, Mitbegründerin der Roten Armee Fraktion (RAF) wurde in ihrer Gefängniszelle erhängt aufgefunden. Hätte die deutsche Regierung sie nicht hingerichtet, so wäre sie heute 79 Jahre alt. Denn heute ist ihr Geburtstag.

Und morgen ist der 16. Todestag von Gurbetelli Ersöz. Sie war die erste Chefredakteurin der Zeitung Gündem. Gemeinsam mit 35 Genossen wurde sie von der türkischen Armee und deren Verbündeter der KDP ermordet. Ulrike war sowohl Schriftstellerin als auch Aktivistin Auf dem Studentenkongress gegen atomare Aufrüstung in WestBerlin setzte sich eine Gruppe um die linke Zeitschrift „Konkret” innerhalb des SDS, zu der auch Ulrike Meinhof gehörte, gegen die SPD Fraktion im SDS durch.

Ulrike Meinhof schrieb in „Konkret” ihre erste Kolumne: „Der Friede macht Geschichte”. Nach einer Weile wurde sie Chefredakteurin bei „Konkret“. Sie setzte sich mit der politischen Situation auseinander. So schrieb sie nicht nur, sondern beteiligte sich auch aktiv an den Aktionen. Zu dieser Zeit lernte sie die späteren Mitgründer der RAF Andreas Baader und Gundrun Ensslin kennen.

Journalistin der Tageszeitung Özgür Gündem Gurbetelli studierte an der Fakultät Chemie der Universität Çukurova. Dort lernte sie mit der Zeit revolutionäre Studenten kennen. Zwischen 1989 und 1993 war sie in Haft und begann danach bei der Tageszeitung Özgür Gündem, wo sie bald Chefredakteurin wurde. Sie war zu dem Zeitpunkt 24 Jahre alt.

Mit 17 weiteren Journalisten wurde sie 1993 erneut verhaftet. Nachdem sie im Sommer 1994 nach sechsmonatiger Untersuchungshaft auf Kaution freigelassen wurde, war sie mit täglichen Todesdrohungen der KontraGuerilla konfrontiert. Schon während ihrer Haftzeit hatte man ihr angedroht, dass man sie finden und töten werde.

Sie wollte mehr als die Zeitungsarbeit

Am 30. Mai 1968 wurde in der BRD die Einführung einer Notstandsverfassung beschlossen. Zu dem Zeitpunkt bemerkt Ulrike Meinhof, dass ihre bisherigen Tätigkeiten nicht ausreichend sind. Auf grund inhaltlicher Widersprüche trat Ulrike aus der redaktionellen Arbeit bei „Konkret” aus. Meinhof schrieb aber weiter Kolumnen für die Zeitschrift. Sie war sowohl Planerin als auch Vorbereiterin der Befreiungsaktion von Andreas Baader. Außer Ulrike nahmen auch viele andere Aktivistinnen, u.a. Gudrun Ensslin daran teil. Laut Planung sollte Ulrike in der Bibliothek, wo sie sich häufig aufhielt, sitzen bleiben und so tun, als ob sie keine Ahnung von der Aktion hätte. Doch sie passte sich dieser Planung nicht an. Sie sprang aus dem Fenster und trat in ein neues Leben. Das Leben einer Revolutionärin.

Sie ging in die Berge

Nachdem Gurbetelli Ersöz aus dem Gefängnis entlassen worden war, gab es kaum noch eine Möglich keit als Journalistin weiterzuarbeiten. Im Sommer 1995 ging sie in die Berge und wurde Guerilla. Sie schloss sich der Frauenarmee der kurdischen Frauen organisation YAJK an. Sie war Kommandantin und vertrat die Lebensphilosophie der YAJK unter den Genossen.

In der Zelle ermordet

Ulrike Meinhof ging zusammen mit weiteren Sympathisanten der Gruppe nach Jordanien, wo sie in einem Lager der El Fatah ausgebildet wurden. Aus dieser Gruppe wurde später die RAF. Nach der Rükkkehr in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland wurden Mitglieder der Gruppe nach Banküberfällen verhaftet. Ulrike versuchte die theoretischen Grundlagen der Organisation zu etablieren.

1972 wurde Ulrike verhaftet und in einer Einzelzelle von der Außenwelt isoliert. Am 9. Mai 1976 wurde sie dort erhängt aufgefunden. Es war angeblich Selbstmord, doch unabhängige experten glauben das nicht. Ulrike wurde vom deutschen Staat ermordet.

Mit 26 Genossinnen gemeinsam ermordet
Am 8. Oktober 1997 geriet Gurbetelli Ersöz mit einer Fraueneinheit in Südkurdistan in einen Hinterhalt der KDP Peschmerga und der türkischen Armee und wurde von diesen gemeinsam mit ihren Genossen ermordet. Die eine aus dem Westen und die andere aus dem Mittleren Osten. Beide Frauen. In verschiedenen Epochen der Geschichte kämpften beide für die gleiche Sache. Für ein Leben in Freiheit. 

Source: ANF 02-11-2013